Every time you charge your credit card, the amount is rounded up to the nearest shekel, and the remaining Agorot are donated to charities of your choice.
For example: When you buy something for NIS 9.80, you pay NIS 10 and donate 20 agorot.
An average monthly donation of 5 shekels!
Round-Up has a network of approx. 267 charities that are divided into 10 different social arenas.
Each of the charities undergoes a strict vetting process to ensure proper management, social benefit, transparency and effectiveness.
All you have to do is choose where you want to make a difference.
Full list of charities (HE)Your few Agorot, together with those from hundreds of thousands of additional subscribers, grow into millions of shekels that are collected through Round-Up and change the lives of thousands of people and animals.
לדו"ח השנתי שלנו